Marriage Advice to Singles #4: Using Wisdom (TMF:955)

Peace to Live By: Marriage Advice to Singles #4: Using Wisdom (TMF:955) - Daniel Litton
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       One way I like to look at it is there are few things in life that are as important as marriage. Indeed, think of a Space Shuttle launch. If you’ll remember, the launch had to be a 100 percent go, or the Shuttle did not launch. If it was an 80 percent go, the Shuttle didn’t launch. You should have no doubt in your mind whatsoever that the person you are about to marry is the one person you want to marry. If there is doubt of any kind, then it’s a no go. Recall the saying, “When in doubt, throw it out.” And that stands true here. If you marry for the wrong reasons, you will marry the wrong person, and you will regret it later. Now don’t get me wrong, just because you are 100 percent sure that you want to marry the other person doesn’t guarantee the success of the relationship, just like a 100 percent go on a Shuttle launch didn’t guarantee the success of the launch or mission. But, we should do everything we can on our parts beforehand to be 100 percent confident we are making the right decision, and we certainly have to work at our relationship to keep it the best it can be.

Marriage Advice to Singles #3: Using Freedom (TMF:954)

Peace to Live By: Marriage Advice to Singles #3: Using Freedom (TMF:954) - Daniel Litton
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       Remember also, number three, that God has given us freedom, as Christians, in this area of selecting our mates. In 1 Corinthians 7:39, God told widowed women that they were “free” to be married to whomever they wished, with the only stipulation that the person was a Christian, a believer. And so this applies to all of us as pertains to our freedom in Christ. If there is someone you have become friends with in your life who is of the opposite sex and he or she is a Christian, that doesn’t necessarily mean God is wanting you to marry that person. Often times it doesn’t mean that. Paul told Timothy to “treat younger women as sisters” (1 Timothy 5:2, ESV). We as Christian guys do have sisters in the body of Christ, and you Christian girls have guys who are your brothers. In other words, not every girl is a potential prospect for marriage, and vice versa for girls. Some people freak out and think that because they find themselves next to someone, that that is who God is telling them to marry. When God does lead you to the right person, that person will align with your heart’s desire.

Marriage Advice to Singles #2: Follow Your Heart (TMF:953)

Peace to Live By: Marriage Advice to Singles #2: Follow Your Heart (TMF:953) - Daniel Litton
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       Number two, I want to tell you that you should always follow your heart when deciding who to marry. We should never follow logic in our minds, or even conveniences, when deciding on our marriage partners. You should follow your heart when making your choice. Sometimes people will marry someone just because they have decided they want to get married, and that person is the only Christian he or she is around. But you shouldn’t make your choice based on that. Sometimes you have to be patient and wait for God to bring the right person to you. Remember, God is never in a hurry in regard to anything. God loves to do things right, and waiting is often necessary. My grandfather used to say, “If your not going to do it right, don’t do it at all.” And that’s true with selecting your marriage partner. A lack of patience can result in you marrying a person who isn’t best for you, and of whom you wont be most fulfilled with. Remember also, number three, that God has given us freedom, as Christians, in this area of selecting our mates.

Marriage Advice to Singles #1: Further Growth (TMF:952)

Peace to Live By: Marriage Advice to Singles #1: Further Growth (TMF:952) - Daniel Litton
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       Now, I want to take a moment here and address singles before I close today, and give a few thoughts. I had titled this sermon ‘Dealing with Problems in Marriage’ and I want to talk to you who are single out there and about dealing with some problems before you get married. First, I would like to say that if you are waiting to find the right person to marry, now is the time that you want to be spending in growing to become more like Jesus. Your growth should be in rapid acceleration, for that likely is why God is making you wait for your partner. He wants you to grow into becoming a better person so that when the time does come for you to marry, you will be better able to handle challenges that come with marriage. Number two, I want to tell you that you should always follow your heart when deciding who to marry. We should never follow logic in our minds, or even conveniences, when deciding on our marriage partners. You should follow your heart when making your choice. Sometimes people will marry someone just because they have decided they want to get married, and that person is the only Christian he or she is around. But you shouldn’t make your choice based on that.

Marriage Problem #5: Putting Children First, Part 4 (TMF:951)

Peace to Live By: Marriage Problem #5: Putting Children First, Part 4 (TMF:951) - Daniel Litton
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       For any children who are listening, when you do what your parents tell you, this makes everyone happy. You may not want to do it now, but it will make you happy later that you did. When parents work very hard doing everything their children want, without taking into perspective what they need, they can become overly tired and burned out. And when a parent runs out of gas, this puts pressure on the other partner in the marriage. You may not act correctly because you’re too tired. You may get after your spouse, or your children in ways that you shouldn’t. You can become critical of their behaviors. Being too burned out can definitely lead to negative symptoms. It’s not selfish for a father to put his foot down and say that enough is enough with what the children want. He is the head and is to lead, and he should decide what’s in the best interest of everyone in the family—not just his children. He should consider what is in the best interest of his wife, and himself. We can only truly love others if we love ourselves first.