There is No Hell for Those Who Accept Jesus (TMF:1010)

Peace to Live By: There is No Hell for Those Who Accept Jesus (TMF:1010) - Daniel Litton
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       There's no need to continue living with the weight of your sin on your shoulders. There's no need to live with regret about anything wrong you’ve done in your life. God can take that burden off your shoulders, and you can be made right with him. Not only will you be in a good relationship with him, but he also freely gives eternal life to whoever will believe in him. There will be no hell in the future for those who accept Jesus. If you would like to accept Jesus today as your personal Lord and Savior, then just follow my lead in this simple prayer: God, I have messed up in my life. I have sinned against you, and against others. I have not lived up to your righteous standard. But I understand that through Jesus I can have forgiveness for my sins, that the weight can come off my shoulders. I want to accept Jesus' sacrifice on my behalf, and I believe that he rose from the dead. I turn from willingly doing wrong today, and count Jesus as my Lord. Please, change my life and make me new. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Jesus Makes Us Good By His Accomplishment (TMF:1009)

Peace to Live By: Jesus Makes Us Good By His Accomplishment (TMF:1009) - Daniel Litton
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       We know that God loves us if we are a Christian and that we are good because of what Jesus accomplished for us. But I want to point out that God even loves those of you who are not Christians. He shows his love to the whole world everyday as he takes care of it, giving all of us things we do not really deserve. I want those who are not Christian today, or who are not practicing Christians, to realize that even though God loves you, you still need to come into a personal relationship with him to be truly free. God showed his love for everyone some 2,000 years ago by having Jesus die on the cross of all sins of all time. He did that because each of us is born with a sin nature, and we have to accept Jesus' perfect sacrifice on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins, and to be truly made right with God. You see, Jesus can make you free from sin’s power today. He died on a cross and rose from the dead by God's power so that anyone can be forgiven and set free from sin. By believing in Jesus for the forgiveness of the wrongs you have done in your life, you can be at peace with God today. He will forgive any and every offense for anyone who comes to him.

Good Wives Provide Us a Good Example (TMF:1008)

Peace to Live By: Good Wives Provide Us a Good Example (TMF:1008) - Daniel Litton
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       In 1 Peter 3, the Apostle Peter talked about wives, by their actions and witness to their unbelieving husbands, actually winning them over to God. It was their external goodness that made the difference. It is interesting how Peter said that the unbelieving husband can be “won without a word” (ESV). That’s pretty impressive, and it would definitely take a godly woman of good, noble character to display Christ like that. And Peter also touched on the fact that women should not let their beauty only be displayed with their outward clothing and jewelry, but that really their beauty should come from within, on the inside, inside their hearts. When women do this, and really I think when any of us are not just displaying our goodness on the outward person, it makes God happy. We know that God loves us if we are a Christian and that we are good because of what Jesus accomplished for us. But I want to point out that God even loves those of you who are not Christians. He shows his love to the whole world everyday as he takes care of it, giving all of us things we do not really deserve. I want those who are not Christian today to realize that even though God loves you, you still need to come into a personal relationship with him to be truly free.

Our Goodness Should Come from Our Hearts (TMF:1007)

Peace to Live By: Our Goodness Should Come from Our Hearts (TMF:1007) - Daniel Litton
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       But our goodness should not just be external, but it should come from within in, from our hearts. Recall that Jesus rebuked the Pharisees for having a good outward appearance, while at the same time their inward states were sinful and hypocritical (see Matthew 23:27). We never want to harboring sin within us, accepting it, playing with it, or excusing it on the inside. And Paul said we are to think about good things, and to cast down any imagination or thought within ourselves that is contrary to God’s Word. When dealing with a besetting, reoccurring problem within our minds, sometimes it takes constant attention to gain victory and power over the issue. It can take a lot of fighting in the beginning to bring something gone astray back into order. You may spend the first several days or week casting down the problem thought, and that may be what you spend most of your day doing. But we have to begin somewhere. If we are going to better ourselves, we need to fight the good fight of the faith and get our minds into total obedience to Christ.

Goodness Includes Giving Our Time & Resources (TMF:1006)

Peace to Live By: Goodness Includes Giving Our Time & Resources (TMF:1006) - Daniel Litton
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       Another part of goodness includes being well-meaning toward others, and being charitable, again willing to give our time and even resources to help others and to help advance the Gospel of Jesus. It is true that we can use our wealth, our money, that God has provided us with to be a blessing to others. We are to make friends for ourselves by means of our wealth in this world. We can use our wealth to witness to unbelievers, both those whom we know personally, and those whom we do not know personally—those of whom are from afar. We can give helpful materials to others who need it, and we can give our time to help them where they need help. The Bible says that when we go home to be with the Lord, when we leave this life, the people we have shared the Gospel with who have believed will receive us as their friends in Heaven, and they will receive us in their homes (see Luke 16:8, 9, ESV). Indeed, there is great eternal reward to leading others into relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. But our goodness should not just be external, but it should come from within in, from our hearts.