Marriage Advice to Singles #4: Using Wisdom (TMF:955)

Peace to Live By: Marriage Advice to Singles #4: Using Wisdom (TMF:955) - Daniel Litton
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       One way I like to look at it is there are few things in life that are as important as marriage. Indeed, think of a Space Shuttle launch. If you’ll remember, the launch had to be a 100 percent go, or the Shuttle did not launch. If it was an 80 percent go, the Shuttle didn’t launch. You should have no doubt in your mind whatsoever that the person you are about to marry is the one person you want to marry. If there is doubt of any kind, then it’s a no go. Recall the saying, “When in doubt, throw it out.” And that stands true here. If you marry for the wrong reasons, you will marry the wrong person, and you will regret it later. Now don’t get me wrong, just because you are 100 percent sure that you want to marry the other person doesn’t guarantee the success of the relationship, just like a 100 percent go on a Shuttle launch didn’t guarantee the success of the launch or mission. But, we should do everything we can on our parts beforehand to be 100 percent confident we are making the right decision, and we certainly have to work at our relationship to keep it the best it can be.