God Will Always Bring Out Good in a Situation (TMF:831)

Peace to Live By: God Will Always Bring Out Good in a Situation (TMF:831) - Daniel Litton
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       Remember, being negative, or regretful, or wishing things had turned out another way isn’t going to do us any good. We have to be able to adjust ourselves in our new situation. If we don’t make adjustment and accept what has happened, we are not going to have any chance at feeling better. Yes, we can choose to focus on the negative, uncomfortable thing that has happened, but that won’t help us. We can even let what has happened define us individually, or define our life. May I suggest, though, that rather then do that you should choose to be hopeful, to know that God is going to work good out of the situation, no matter how grim or depressed you may feel. God will always bring out good in a situation when we allow him to do so. Remember what Solomon said in Ecclesiastes, “I know that it will be well with those who fear God, because they fear before him” (8:12, ESV). By staying negative, we will prevent God from helping us.