We Can Trust God with What We Cannot Undo (TMF:830)

Peace to Live By: We Can Trust God with What We Cannot Undo (TMF:830) - Daniel Litton
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       We can trust God with what we cannot understand, with what we cannot undo in life. We can trust in the fact that God is working behind the scenes, indeed working all things together for good for those who love Him, who have been called according to his purpose (see Romans 8:28, ESV). Nonetheless, it can be, and certainly at time is, hard to trust God with certain life situations. It is hard to bridle our minds, to keep them in subjection to his perfect plan and will—to trust him with all the details, and to even trust him with our own failings. We like to reason things out in our lives, to come up with and have all the answers to our problems. But we should know better. We have to come to learn that we usually don’t have all the answers. Remember, being negative, or regretful, or wishing things had turned out another way isn’t going to do us any good.

Things Don't Always Go the Way We Want Them To (TMF:829)

Peace to Live By: Things Don't Always Go the Way We Want Them To (TMF:829) - Daniel Litton
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       Things don’t always work out the way we want them to. That’s just the way life is, the way it works. I’m not saying this to bring despair to people’s minds, but just reminding you of this cold, stark reality. We live in a world that has been tainted and affected by sin—by incorrect things that people do in their lives, which are against God’s ways. And this brings about disorder and chaos at times. It’s our fault, as humans, really. It’s not God’s fault that bad things happen. We were the ones, and are the ones, who have rebelled against him. And we have no power of our own making to put things right. We have no ability or answer to solve our problem. We don’t have to let this realization of sin, though, or of the bad things that happen in our world, to keep us down in life. We can still live victoriously. Christ has indeed made this possible for us.

There Can Only be Better Days on the Horizon (TMF:828)

Peace to Live By: There Can Only be Better Days on the Horizon (TMF:828) - Daniel Litton
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       It is true that when the worst has happened in life, there is only one place the future can go. There can only be better days on the horizon. That’s the hope everyone should have after feeling hopeless about a life situation, a disappointment or tragedy. Indeed, tragedies and disheartening things are going to take place in life—in everyone’s life—and there’s no way to avoid them. No one is exempt. However, there is one thing that we have control over, one area where we get to make the choice, and where we can make the choice. We don’t have to let the bad things that happen in our lives keep us down, or allow us to become depressed and despondent. We can choose to think positively about our lives, and move forward with a hopeful and optimistic attitude. The Apostle Paul called God the “God of hope” in Romans 15:13 (ESV). Understanding God as the God of hope indeed gives us great hope in our circumstances.

Introduction to When All Our Hopes Seem Lost (TMF:827)

Peace to Live By: Introduction to When All Our Hopes Seem Lost (TMF:827) - Daniel Litton
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       Many of us have had dreams and visions—things we hoped to do and to accomplish—great things, which in a moments time were shattered. Everything that was built up, and all that was thought-out, was torn down in a brief moment’s time. Hope seemed to evaporate and be gone. And after the hope is gone, there seems to be an empty and unsettling feeling that sets inside. Many ask questions to themselves—if only I had done this or that; if only this choice had been made instead of that choice. And the questioning continues on-and-on. But, we all have to realize at some point, to some degree, that the time to move on has come. There was the disbelief, then the shock, then the mourning, but now has come the time for new beginnings. Remember what Solomon said in Ecclesiastes, “I know that it will be well with those who fear God, because they fear before him” (8:12, ESV).

Anyone Can Have a Payment for Their Sin (TMF:826)

Peace to Live By: Anyone Can Have a Payment for Their Sin (TMF:826) - Daniel Litton
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        Jesus died and rose again to life so that anyone who accepts his death on the cross for them can have a payment, free of charge, from God for their sin. Anyone who is willing to acknowledge they haven’t lived up to God’s standard, and wants to change, can accept this free gift from God and be counted in. When we give our lives to Jesus, we don’t lose. We win. If you would like to believe in Jesus today then please follow my lead in this prayer: God, today I realize that I am separated from you. But I don’t want to be any longer. I do acknowledge that I’ve done many things wrong in my life, and I have tried to live life my own way. Today, though, I want to turn from doing life my way and accept your free gift of real life. I do believe that Jesus came to the earth and died on the cross from my sins. I believe he rose from the dead and is now is with you, God, in Heaven. Please change me God, and make me to have real life and a fulfilling life. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.