God Requires We Have a Payment for All Wrongs (TMF:956)

Peace to Live By: God Requires We Have a Payment for All Wrongs (TMF:956) - Daniel Litton
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       My goal is to see people growing into becoming better in their lives as Christians, to becoming more and more like Jesus in their lives. And it could be today that there are some of you out there who don’t know God, who don’t have a personal relationship with God. You feel that you have no connection with him. Well, I am here today to tell you that you can be in right relationship with God. It is true that God wants to come into relationship with everyone in the world, and that includes you today. In fact, God sent his Son Jesus into the world, some 2,000 years ago, and he died on a cross to provide a payment for God for all the wrongs humans have done in their lives. You see, in order for us as humans to be in right relationship with God, he requires that we have a payment for all the wrongs we’ve done in our lives, all of our offenses against him. God is a holy, righteous, and just God, and in his holiness he demands payment for people’s sins, the wrong things they’ve done against him.