Intro to Attacks on Christianity- The Church (TMF:781)

Peace to Live By: Intro to Attacks on Christianity- The Church (TMF:781) - Daniel Litton
(Tap or right-click link to download two-minute feature)

       When a lot of people attack Christianity, one of the first things they focus on is the church—or the condition of the church. Opponents believe that if they can show the people who follow Christian principles to be no different than anyone else, to be hypocrites, then they can undermine the church. And it is true that when Christians don’t live up to becoming more like Jesus that it can and does from time to time set a bad example for unbelievers to see. But we cannot, nor should anybody, judge Christianity on the actions of one individual or even a small group of individuals. Just as one cannot judge a team based on one sports performance, or a cast based on one television episode, so Christianity should not be simply judged based on one setting or group of Christians.