The Spirit Renews Our Minds to Hope, Part 1 (TMF:884)

Peace to Live By: The Spirit Renews Our Minds to Hope, Part 1 (TMF:884) - Daniel Litton
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       As we grow to become more and more like Jesus, God the Holy Spirit will renew our minds into a more hopeful mindset. This is a process for all of us, and some of us have more strongholds that need to be dealt with. We should be living through the mind of the Spirit instead of the mind of the flesh. One way we do this is by always keeping in mind all the good things God has done for us, in the here and now, and keeping attention on those things. This not only gives us a thankful attitude, it gives us hope for the future because if God has done a lot of good for us in the past, which he has, and has made everything work out, then we can count on that for the future. So, the Spirit will help us cultivate a more hopeful mindset, if we allow him. The thoughts that we think in our minds are so critical to our growth in Christ. We need to yield to the Spirit has he leads us to put to death fleshly attitudes of negativity, fear, and unbelief.