Introduction to The Holy Spirit's Fruit in Our Lives (TMF:959)

Peace to Live By: Introduction to The Holy Spirit's Fruit in Our Lives (TMF:959) - Daniel Litton
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       Today I am beginning a new series on the Fruit of the Spirit, and we are going to be consider each fruit individually over the next three weeks. I believe it is really important to understand each of these characteristics that God wants us to be displaying in our lives. These are the attitudes in life that are good attitudes that have no law against them. When we display these fruits, it gives us better lives, more enjoyable for ourselves and lives that are a blessing to others. Now, some of these areas you may already have a good grasp and practice in, but there are others that need a lot of work. Indeed, we all have work that needs to be accomplished. None of us are perfect in our thoughts, our words, or our behaviors, and we all have room to improve in each of these areas. It seems reasonable to presume that when we believed in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, that is, each of us individually, we were given the seeds of these fruits. After all, God said we are new creations in Christ, that the old has passed away, that the new has come. The terminology in that verse in 2 Corinthians 5 makes it clear that this process has already taken place, that of the old passing away and the new coming.