These Believers Came from False Gods, Part 1 (TMF:928)

Peace to Live By: These Believers Came from False Gods, Part 1 (TMF:928) - Daniel Litton
(Tap or right-click link to download two-minute feature)

       God could just bring people to himself without a messenger, but he doesn’t chose to do things that way. Rather, we as Christians work in cooperation with God as he brings people to himself. And these believers had stopped believing in the false gods they once had believed in. It is true that many who come to God come from other religions. Often, here in America, when a person comes to God, he or she will already have a background in Christianity. That’s what the person was taught as a child; that was his or her upbringing. But as various people come into the United States, we are starting to see a growing trend of more people coming to God from other religious backgrounds here in the States. God wants people from all nations, or backgrounds, to come to him. And he will save people from every nation and tribe of the earth. In Christ there is no distinction based on race or ethnicity. Nonetheless, people do turn from their previous religion to the one and only true God.