Is the Bible Inspired by God or Not? Part 3 (TMF:765)

Peace to Live By: Is the Bible Inspired by God or Not? Part 3 (TMF:765) - Daniel Litton
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       Some want to say that the Bible is incorrect, or obsolete, in regard to morality, but it isn’t. We haven’t progressed in our culture in regard to this so called ‘sexual freedom,’ but rather we have regressed. God’s Words lead to life, and if followed, produce freedom, righteousness, and down-right good feelings in a person’s life. Just because the books of the Bible were written by human authors, and those writers used their own writing styles and experiences, this does not mean the words of the Bible are not inspired by God. This is how God chose to write the Scriptures. For example, the Apostle Peter called some of Paul’s letters, his writings, as ‘Scripture’ in 2 Peter 3:15. God did not chose to write his Word, in most cases, solely from his finger. Just as God can perform miracles directly from himself, so he can write his Word directly from himself. But, usually God performs the work of miracles through the actions of others, and the writing of the Bible was no different. During Jesus’ earthly ministry, God could have just healed people by sending power directly down from Heaven, but rather he chose to work through Jesus’ hands to deliver those healings. In the same way, God used the varying disciples of Jesus to write the New Testament, though he could have just written it himself.