Is the Bible Inspired by God or Not? Part 3 (TMF:765)

Peace to Live By: Is the Bible Inspired by God or Not? Part 3 (TMF:765) - Daniel Litton
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       Some want to say that the Bible is incorrect, or obsolete, in regard to morality, but it isn’t. We haven’t progressed in our culture in regard to this so called ‘sexual freedom,’ but rather we have regressed. God’s Words lead to life, and if followed, produce freedom, righteousness, and down-right good feelings in a person’s life. Just because the books of the Bible were written by human authors, and those writers used their own writing styles and experiences, this does not mean the words of the Bible are not inspired by God. This is how God chose to write the Scriptures. For example, the Apostle Peter called some of Paul’s letters, his writings, as ‘Scripture’ in 2 Peter 3:15. God did not chose to write his Word, in most cases, solely from his finger. Just as God can perform miracles directly from himself, so he can write his Word directly from himself. But, usually God performs the work of miracles through the actions of others, and the writing of the Bible was no different. During Jesus’ earthly ministry, God could have just healed people by sending power directly down from Heaven, but rather he chose to work through Jesus’ hands to deliver those healings. In the same way, God used the varying disciples of Jesus to write the New Testament, though he could have just written it himself.

Is the Bible Inspired by God or Not? Part 2 (TMF:764)

Peace to Live By: Is the Bible Inspired by God or Not? Part 2 (TMF:764) - Daniel Litton
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       Now, one might say, “You cannot use the Bible itself to defend the Bible.” But I say, why not? It is true that we have to have ‘faith’ in believing the Bible is God’s Word. If you’re hoping that I can prove to you that the Bible is God’s Word, there is no way for me to ‘prove’ it. I can tell you from my own personal experience, however, that there is power behind it. The Gospel saves people, transforms their lives, and the Word of God can and does ward off Satanic attacks. I can definitely testify to those things. And if you read the Scriptures, you will realize that the words have truth behind them to live a good and righteous life. Remember, Jesus said to God the Father in the Garden of Gethsemane, “Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth” (John 17:17, ESV). Nothing in the Bible contradicts good and common sense. What the Bible says is right, is in fact good and moral. In it, God prohibits the right things, and he permits the right things. People want to say the Bible is not scientifically sound, but it is.

Is the Bible Inspired by God or Not? Part 1 (TMF:763)

Peace to Live By: Is the Bible Inspired by God or Not? Part 1 (TMF:763) - Daniel Litton
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       Contention One: The books in the Bible were written by men, and therefore, contain errors. This means they are not inspired, and therefore, do not need to be followed. This is a common argument that I hear from time to time. Some people want to view the Bible as given solely by man without God’s help because then they can make it equal to the rest of the works of man. If the Bible was just written as the ideas of man, then why do we, as Christians, follow it above any other book? After all, what would make it any more wise or noble than other famous works of man? But thankfully, the Bible was not just written down from men. The Scriptures tell us that the Bible is the inspired Word of God. So, men wrote the Bible as they were inspired by God the Holy Spirit to write it. The Apostle Paul wrote to Timothy, “All Scripture is breathed out by God” in 2 Timothy 3:16 (ESV).

Intro to Attacks on Christianity- The Bible (TMF:762)

Peace to Live By: Intro to Attacks on Christianity- The Bible (TMF:762) - Daniel Litton
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       In our world today, there are many skeptics—people who just have trouble believing in anything outside of what they can see with their own eyes. And it is true in this great day of science that many want to, or would like to be able to, prove everything about our world. They want to be able to see things in our world and pick them up. And for some, when they consider things like religion, they tend to make fun of it or be adamantly against it. Some think religion is just a crutch for people to lean on. They just don’t want to believe in something that requires faith, even though really they use faith all the time. When it comes to believing in Christianity, many people will attack certain aspects of it, and try to undermine its rock solid foundation. Today, I want to begin a three part series dealing with attacks on Christianity. I will present common arguments—things people tend to say against the faith, and seek to provide some answers to these questions. My goal is to strengthen the beliefs of current Christians, and perhaps help seekers and skeptics to try to better understand answers to questions that may be floating through their minds. That is a basic thing you have to understand.

All That Matters is Whether You Know Jesus (TMF:761)

Peace to Live By: All That Matters is Whether You Know Jesus (TMF:761) - Daniel Litton
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       All that matters is whether you know Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior. Now, it may be today that you feel like there is no way that this God, whom I've been talking about, could accept you because of things you've done in your past. Maybe you have done things wrong over and over knowing they were wrong. Maybe you promised yourself you'd never do the same evil thing again only to find yourself falling right back into it. You may feel like there is no way you will ever be out of the problem you are in—that your too deep in it. But I want to tell you today that nothing is impossible with God. You don't have to be free from your problem to accept Jesus today. So, if you believe that you would like to have a personal relationship with God today, then follow my lead in this simple prayer: God, I am a great sinner. I believe that Jesus rose from the dead by your great power so that I might have a new life. So, I want to surrender my life to you now, and repent of my sins—all the sins I’ve done in my life. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.