Jesus Brings People into Relationship with God (TMF:958)

Peace to Live By: Jesus Brings People into Relationship with God (TMF:958) - Daniel Litton
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       Jesus brings people into relationship with God. And my, let me tell you there is nothing like being in right relationship with God. He is our loving Father, and there is nothing like the fulfillment one experiences with their fellowshipping with him. And not only that, because he is our Father, he gives us both good things now, and even better things in the future after this life is over. We will be with him forever, and be in total peace within ourselves and total harmony with those who are with us in Heaven. You cannot lose by coming into right relationship with God. With God, all there is, is gain. If you would like to come in a personal relationship with God today through Jesus, then follow my lead in this prayer: God, today I am separated from you. I want to turn from doing things my way, and accept your free gift of life and payment for my offenses by what Jesus accomplished on the cross for me. I believe he did come to the earth, that he died, and that he rose again for me. I want a new life today, and want to trust in you. Please, Father, help me to start over again today, in Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.