For Those Who Don't Have the Spirit, Part 2 (TMF:865)

Peace to Live By: For Those Who Don't Have the Spirit, Part 2 (TMF:865) - Daniel Litton
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       Today you may feel very sinful, very separated from God. But, this is now your opportunity to come to know God. God welcomes people into his arms who want to have a relationship with him. He is not a mean, stern, or resisting God. No, he wants more people to come to know him. He already loves you, and he wants you to know him and have life through him. When Jesus was here on the earth, quite a long time ago, he died on the cross to provide a way for you and for me to know God. See, our sin separates us from God, and the only way we can know God is to have a payment for our sin. We cannot make it good ourselves; we cannot provide a sacrifice for all of our sins that make us acceptable to God. We cannot do enough good to outweigh our bad. Our bad is not erased by our good. So, the only way we can become acceptable to God, good in his sight, is by counting on Jesus’ sacrifice for us. His death on the cross provides an acceptable substitute for us to God.