Paul Wishes Grace & Peace to the Believers (TMF:916)

Peace to Live By: Paul Wishes Grace & Peace to the Believers (TMF:916) - Daniel Litton
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       And so Paul wished grace, undeserved blessings, to be upon the church in Thessalonica, and he also wished for peace of mind. All Christians are made right before God through trusting in Christ’s sacrifice on the cross, and this is the grace that we live by. This grace from Christ’s blood has been bestowed upon us, free of charge, by God because we have trusted in Christ’s death and resurrection to save us. God calls us his own sons and daughters, and now highly favors us as individual persons. He has even made us co-heirs with Christ, which is a truly amazing thing (see Romans 8). And grace is so essential to living out the Christian life. None of us in this life are perfect at anything we do, so we need grace daily from God as we don’t measure up to God’s standard of perfection, which is Christ. Without grace, life is hard, and the rules can be rigorous. But rather, Jesus said on one occasion, “For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light” (Matthew 11:30, ESV).