Speaking Negatively Shows Unbelief (TMF:901)

Peace to Live By: Speaking Negatively Shows Unbelief (TMF:901) - Daniel Litton
(Tap or right-click link to download two-minute feature)

       We are supposed to be using our mouth for good, saying helpful, encouraging, and positive things, both to ourselves when we are alone and to others when we are with people. Our words will either bring forth righteousness or bring forth condemnation for ourselves. Frequently those who speak negativity in their lives are those who are full of unbelief in their minds. Some people just don’t think that good will happen for them in the future. They just don’t believe that God is on their side. They may say, “I can’t hope for good things because what if something bad happens?” And by that statement they stand condemned because they show that they don’t believe. Or, a person might take note of something bad that happened to someone else they know, and they’ll say, “See, I can’t hope for good. Look at what happened to this person.” But we should not take this or that bad situation and act like, just because bad can happen, that we must then always be afraid and not hope for anything. Please don’t be fearful of the future. Don’t be afraid that bad things are going to happen. Be thinking positive.