Following the Spirit Gives Us Peace to Mind (TMF:862)

Peace to Live By: Following the Spirit Gives Us Peace to Mind (TMF:862) - Daniel Litton
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       A lot of people are seeking to have a good life, filled with peace. Well, in the most basic sense, you arrive at this life when you let the Holy Spirit lead you, when you follow the Spirit, when you apply the Word of God to your life. God is not a kill joy. He wants us to enjoy life, to love our lives, and have good days (see 1 Peter 3:10). Again, Paul contrasts the mind of the Spirit as living in ‘life’ and the mind of the flesh as living in ‘death.’ We all know that sinful ways just give you temporary and momentary pleasure, but afterwards leave you with an empty feeling. To get away from this empty feeling, people need to not follow their instinctive, sinful, fleshly impulses. We should think thoughts that will lead us into right speech and actions in our daily lives. This sounds very basic, yet it is so fundamental.