We Should be Memorizing Scriptures (TMF:848)

Peace to Live By: We Should be Memorizing Scriptures (TMF:848) - Daniel Litton
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       We should note that as we memorize Bible verses that are particularly helpful and encouraging to us, the Holy Spirit will bring to our minds these verses. And, he will also bring to mind other verses we have read before from the Bible as we need them. It is really important that we be memorizing verses from God’s Word, both for encouragement and to ward off temptations and Satanic attacks as they come to us. Remember, God’s power is connected to his Word. There is power behind it, and it is sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing the inner-parts of a person (see Hebrews 4:12). The Word of God transforms our lives, as Christians, as we apply it, as we live it out. And it also has power against the enemy, against Satan. We can ward off Satanic attacks from our minds, which happen to us more often then I think we realize. Indeed, some of us have come to the realization that we are in a war, and so God’s Word, our sword, then becomes pretty important for us if we want to win each battle (see also Ephesians 6).