Jesus Wants to Help You in Your Life Today (TMF:841)

Peace to Live By: Jesus Wants to Help You in Your Life Today (TMF:841) - Daniel Litton
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       God sent Jesus to the earth 2,000 years ago, and he died on a cross to pay our sin debts, all the wrongs we’ve committed in our lives, and to make us right with God. Jesus rose from the dead and is today with God in Heaven. Jesus wants to help you. If you would like to come into a personal relationship with God today, then I want you to follow my lead in this prayer: God, today, I have circumstances I need help with. I can no longer handle them by myself. And I have realized today that I’m not following you in my life. I’m not following your ways in doing things, but I’m doing things the wrong ways. Today, though, I want to turn from doing wrong and accept Jesus into my life as my Guide. I want to do things the right way. I believe Jesus died for my offenses and can make me right with you. I believe he rose from the dead, is alive today, and will help me in my life. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.