Cutting the Grass in Your Head, Part 2 (TMF:2296)

Peace to Live By: Cutting the Grass in Your Head, Part 2 (TMF:2296) - Daniel Litton
(Tap or right-click link to download two-minute feature)

       And like the dog, the thought comes back wanting attention. It wants us to really think about it and become miserable. Surely, the old part of us, our old self, still wants us to be miserable if possible. That’s what the sin-nature does to us. It tries to pull us down into its ways, to get us to do things in a way that isn’t beneficial for us. So, if pushing a thought out of the way doesn’t work, what does work? The best thing I have found is to face the thought head on, no matter what it is. So, what I have to do is allow the thought to come up in my mind and observe it without judgment. In the case of the person who said something against me, I have to give up the perceived threat that that thought imposes. It may be that I’m afraid that individual will criticize me toward others, as they criticized me to my face. In that case, I have to decide not to care. I have to say to myself, “It’s okay if they do that, and it’s okay if they don’t do that.” Or, I could say, “It’s okay if people like me and respect me, and it’s okay if they don’t.”