Giving vs. Getting, Part 3 (TMF:2308)

Peace to Live By: Giving vs. Getting, Part 3 (TMF:2308) - Daniel Litton
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       This also means that you may have to work even harder than you currently are, take a higher paid position at work, or even work a couple jobs to pay for all the possessions that you are pursuing. This all takes more time. It takes more time away, again, from our self-development, and it takes time even away from family and friends. Nah, we are too busy trying to earn more money to get things that we don’t even need. So, we can gain all these ‘things’ that we want, but then what happens at the end of our lives? We gained the whole world, right, but what did we lose? We lost the goodness of life, giving into other’s lives because we were too selfish. We were too busy pursing things that are now going to stay behind on the earth while our spirit transcends to the third-level of existence. And when the Creator calls our name, when it becomes time for us to get new things for what we contributed on the earth, it is only going to take him a short time. There isn’t going to be much of a list, not much to say. He will whip through our list really fast because all that we strove for we left behind on the earth, and we weren’t able to bring it up here.