Is It Time for a Reboot? Part 2 (TMF:2251)

Peace to Live By: Is It Time for a Reboot? Part 2 (TMF:2251) - Daniel Litton
(Tap or right-click link to download two-minute feature)

       That all being said, there’s only so much we can do, when we are growing, to help those at our church or workplace to grow in the same direction. We can try to have a positive influence on them, but sometimes no matter how much we shine our light, the light just bounces off of them and comes back to us. Sometimes people aren’t willing to grow, and aren’t willing to embrace positive influence in their lives. When we find then that we are stuck in a rut, sometimes all we can do is shut down and restart to something new. Sometimes we need to get out. We are only responsible for ourselves and our families. We cannot be responsible for others changing their ways. Perhaps we used to be a very negative person ourselves, but we’ve spent years becoming a more positive person. As we’ve done this, we look around and see that the people around us represent where we used to be, and not where we are now. That’s okay, though. That can happen. If it does, we can move on to find people that more closely align with what we now are. This isn’t sin, it isn’t wrong; it’s just reality.