Skipping Out on Prayer Time, Part 1 (TMF:2282)

Peace to Live By: Skipping Out on Prayer Time, Part 1 (TMF:2282) - Daniel Litton
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       It seems so obvious that it shouldn’t need to be stated. And yet, skipping out on prayer time, or at least significant prayer time, can be a temptation for some. However, I think there is a direct correlation with the time we spend in prayer and our afterward happiness level. I think that’s usually the case. In fact, I am such a firm believer in praying that if for some odd reason I am crunched on time, say I overslept, and I have to skip something, I would rather skip my devotional reading time than skip the actual prayer time. It doesn’t matter if you have to do it in the shower or on your drive into work, taking time for prayer will help our day to be better. Remember, the sole reason for our existence on this earth is to practice our relationship with God. That is, it is to simply spend time with God. Technically, nothing else is as important. God created Adam and Eve in the Garden primarily to spend time with him. He would come down from Heaven and visit with them, one-on-one, in the garden.