Responsibility for What We Believe, Part 2 (TMF:2310)

Peace to Live By: Responsibility for What We Believe, Part 2 (TMF:2310) - Daniel Litton
(Tap or right-click link to download two-minute feature)

       If a person has inherited certain beliefs, that person needs to decide whether to keep them, to make them their own, or to let them go, to get rid of them. It is when responsibility isn’t taken that happiness is reduced. Really, there can’t be much happiness because what you believe isn’t what you really believe. I mean, you are saying you believe this or that ‘just because,’ or because you are afraid to give up those beliefs. God himself cannot even work with a person who isn’t honest with themselves. I mean, everyone who comes to God has to exhibit that certain honesty, right? Certainly. When a person comes to God, they acknowledge how they are wrong and how God is right. That’s why they are ‘coming to God’ because they weren’t with God ‘previously.’ God cannot make a person come into relationship with him, and nor would he want to. That would be artificial, it wouldn’t be real. So, if you yourself don’t want to be artificial, it’s time you start being honest with yourself about what you really believe.