Giving Up the Reputation Pursuit, Part 1 (TMF:2238)

Peace to Live By: Giving Up the Reputation Pursuit, Part 1 (TMF:2238) - Daniel Litton
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       For years I was haunted by the pursuit of having a good reputation. I always wanted my reputation to be good in front of others. Perhaps you can relate to what I am talking about here. It’s just that, one day, I realized that this pursuit is trivial. It just doesn’t work. It costs us too much mental energy. It’s too tiring. It’s a vain pursuit. For one, people have different expectations from us. Truly, we cannot please everyone all the time. We cannot please all the people all the time. A thorough examination of the ministry of Jesus will show you that he cared little about how others saw him. He was on this earth for one reason and one reason only, and we know what that was. It was to do the Father’s will. He had a specific mission in life, and he walked straight on that mission. In the same way, each of us has a specific mission, and we are to carry out that mission regardless of what others think. This is whether or not they agree we should be doing what we are doing. The mission is personal, like it was for Jesus. Only we know what that mission is.