How We Value Ourselves and Others, Part 2 (TMF:2265)

Peace to Live By: How We Value Ourselves and Others, Part 2 (TMF:2265) - Daniel Litton
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       If they are a good, kind, and loving person, that will manifest itself above all other things. Suddenly we don’t care as much about what they do as a career. We suddenly don’t even care about what they have obtained in the world. Rather, we decide we like who they are—how they act, how they treat others. We want to be around them because they are an enjoyable person to be around. So, in considering these three levels of evaluation, what do you think people think about when they think of you? Which level do you honestly feel you fall into? Do you pride yourself on and brag about what you have obtained in the world? Is that how you want others to see you? Or, is it what you do? You want others to think well of you because you do this and that, work this career, volunteer for this ministry. Or, is it that you want others to like you because you are really a nice person? You are really a person that others seek out and want to be around. That should be our ultimate goal.