How We Value Ourselves and Others, Part 1 (TMF:2264)

Peace to Live By: How We Value Ourselves and Others, Part 1 (TMF:2264) - Daniel Litton
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       Basically, there are three ways that we value ourselves and others in life. Probably the most common way we judge a person in American society is by what they do for a career. That’s primarily how we size people up. Another way we can judge a person, and this one is perhaps even more common the younger we are, is by judging the possessions they have obtained. We know where this primarily takes place these days. It takes place through the scrolling and scrolling over other peoples' ‘things’ to try to see what they have. We want to see what they have obtained to see whether, again, we should feel depressed because we have less, or whether we should feel good because we have more. People will praise those who have less because they feel, perhaps unconsciously, better about themselves. They will ignore those who have more, unless they want to get in good with them and gain some kind of benefit. The real way we should judge a person is how Jesus told us to judge them. And what is that? He said we should look at what comes out of a person, remember? He said it is by what comes out, their character, who they are, that makes things clear about them.