Accepting that Things Always Change, Part 2 (TMF:2256)

Peace to Live By: Accepting that Things Always Change, Part 2 (TMF:2256) - Daniel Litton
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       The problem for our minds comes when we decide to resist the change, or have a mindset of resistance in general toward change. This is something that has to be learned—the ability to accept change. It’s just that a lot of people haven’t cultivated this ability. If we haven’t, when change comes there is going to be major shock, followed by complaining, followed perhaps even by a sense of depression. If we know change is always possible, then the announcement of it will bring at most just a minor sadness that passes after a day or two. It’s all in how our minds are geared. Why resist something that’s going to happen anyway? Why get all upset over change when this world guarantees us that change is going to occur? Upset occurs in a mind that is not surrendered. Upset is present when desires within the mind are too strong. The only thing, really person, in our lives who doesn’t change is God. He is always there and always constant. Everything else can go. New things can come. People are here one day, and gone the next. Our routine is subject to change.