Giving vs. Getting, Part 1 (TMF:2306)

Peace to Live By: Giving vs. Getting, Part 1 (TMF:2306) - Daniel Litton
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       Most people spend their lives going after things that are trivial at life’s conclusion. It becomes so obvious when you stop and think about it. Pursing possessions may seem fun, and there it is an element certainly that is fun about it, or why would anyone do it? Nonetheless, in pursing possessions we can miss some of the best things in life. We can miss out on enjoying what we currently have because he have the next ‘thing’ in focus. We only enjoyed our ‘new thing’ for a moment, and now we are already pursing another ‘new thing.’ Getting can get in the way of even enjoying the people who are around us. What makes this even worse is that most people will spend money they don’t even have to obtain those possessions that they want or that they think they need. This is double the trouble. It’s one thing to spend too much of our time pursing the next possession, but it’s quite another thing to not only be doing that be then to be in debt at the same time. Debt enslaves. It takes away a person’s peace. It’s very difficult to enjoy any peace of mind when you know that you owe money, or even that you have creditors after you.