Bad Company Ruins a Good Person, Part 1 (TMF:2262)

Peace to Live By: Bad Company Ruins a Good Person, Part 1 (TMF:2262) - Daniel Litton
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       We remember what Paul has taught us, that yes, indeed, bad company ruins a good person. It seems common sensical, and yet, through observation, we see that a lot of people don’t take too much heed to this warning. Why is that? I mean, certainly it’s true that if we spend a great deal of time around people who have negative attitudes and negative outlooks that, over time, we will end up the same way. A little bit of that in us, to use another Paul saying, ruins the whole thing. Right? And yet, we see people who surround themselves with the wrong people. In my opinion, there are really four different kinds of people. Let’s go over them. First, the worst are the ones who are very negative, selfish, and angry. They are very difficult to be around. Second, there are the ones who are also negative, but they aren’t quite as negative as the first type of person. It is a functional negativity. Still yet, the third kind of person is the one who is positive in general. They are fun to be around and we like them. And finally, the fourth type of person is not only positive, but very loving and in control of their own life.