Getting to the Root of the Problem, Part 3 (TMF:2325)

Peace to Live By: Getting to the Root of the Problem, Part 3 (TMF:2325) - Daniel Litton
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       I would say that we should not understand being surrendered in everything as a one time decision. Sounds like a tall order, doesn’t it? I would say that we should not understand being surrendered in everything as a one time decision. It’s not that one day we lift our head up from our hands and say, “From this point forward I am going to be surrendered in everything.” For a few that might be possible. But, for most of us, it is going to have to be an ongoing thing. That’s usually the way our sin-natures work. Dealing with sin often seems to be a daily thing, keeping our thoughts, words, and actions in check so they are pleasing to God. But, as we start to deal with the roots of problems, we start to understand better what is causing evil passions to come up in us. Then, we can surrender the underlying cause of the passion so that the sin is nipped in the bud, at least, for a while until we forget again. For several years I struggled with the strong to desire to met a girl and get married. It wasn’t until I was around 30 years old that I decided I even wanted to get married. Once I did, however, I was pretty eager to make it happen. I would say my desire within myself to do that became too strong. It definitely wasn’t surrendered.