Remembering to Take a Sabbath, Part 1 (TMF:2236)

Peace to Live By: Remembering to Take a Sabbath, Part 1 (TMF:2236) - Daniel Litton
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       We’re all familiar with the fact that the Israelites in the Old Testament were instructed by God to take a Sabbath Day once a week. Why, it’s in the Ten Commandments. This was placed in there by God for a reason. The reason is that we all need rest. And, boy, is that ever more true in our current day. Rest restrengthens us, allows us to perform better later. It keeps our minds more at peace. I am a firm believer in taking one day off from doing any kind of work every week. On this day, I do not work my job. I do not do any work for my radio show. Sometimes I do church activities, but mostly, I rest. I eat well, choosing my favorite meals. I spend time enjoying hobbies. Sometimes I spend time on self-improvement stuff, like reading self-help books or whatever. I play video games. I watch a movie. The point is, I rest, and since work activities are not allowed, I know that rest I will indeed. One good reason for doing this besides the rest you have on the actual day is the fact that you know that day is always coming throughout the week.