Choosing Happiness is the Way Out, Part 2 (TMF:2299)

Peace to Live By: Choosing Happiness is the Way Out, Part 2 (TMF:2299) - Daniel Litton
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       For us, the singular fact that we are in good relationship with God makes us completely happy. If it doesn’t, perhaps we are not totally surrendered in everything, and that is something we will really want to correct. Anyway, at the point we are totally surrendered, we can expand that happiness in our lives. We want our families to be happy. We achieve that by following God’s principles, for they themselves lead to happiness. We want good health. That requires us to take care of ourselves and not do things that give us poor health. We also want a happy career, or at least, I think most of us do. I mean, who wants to go into work dreading it everyday? Yet, I think I a lot of people do dread their jobs. If that is the case for us, perhaps we need to make a change. After all, we are pursuing happiness, so why would we want to spend 40 hours a week of our lives doing something that we dread? I don’t think so. If we are doing that, we are truly wasting our lives for the most part. And this will depend on the particular person.