Any Obsession is Bad, Part 3 (TMF:2269)

Peace to Live By: Any Obsession is Bad, Part 3 (TMF:2269) - Daniel Litton
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       The problem is that specialness has been attributed to the person liked beyond reason. Their importance has been magnified beyond what it should have been. If we lived okay before we met the person, we can live perfectly fine without them. The truth is, is that we don’t need any worldly person or possession in order to make us happy. The only person we actually need in life is God. God is all we truly need. Everything else is an option. A person could be sleeping under a bridge in downtown Columbus but if they have God, really, in reality, they are perfectly fine. A man could of just had his wife leave with the three children, but if he has God, really, he’s okay. A businessman could walk into the bank on Monday morning and see that $250,000 has been stolen from his account, but if he has God, it really doesn’t matter. All that does matter is God. Obsession isn’t balance. Obsession means something is wrong. It means the desire for something is too strong.