Getting Up Early Creates Freedom, Part 3 (TMF:2302)

Peace to Live By: Getting Up Early Creates Freedom, Part 3 (TMF:2302) - Daniel Litton
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       We weren’t rushing around. We weren’t trying to cut things down to squeeze out lost time. We aren’t skipping anything we shouldn’t be skipping. Everything is flowing just right because we have started things off right. We feel we have plenty of time instead. And that is a good feeling for sure. We feel that we will get accomplished what we need to get accomplished today. And that leads me to my third point, and this is that we do in fact get more done when we get up earlier. After all, we spend that solid time in devotions and praying to God. Since we did that, we know have more time afterwards to get things done. If we had gotten up later, we would have had to of done our devotional time later, and then we would have had a late start getting to the day’s work, whatever it is. We may of had to of cut something out that we really should have tackled today. But that didn’t happen because we got up early and did things in their proper order. And not to mention I think God blesses our days when we do this. He likes it when we put him first.