Any Obsession is Bad, Part 1 (TMF:2267)

Peace to Live By: Any Obsession is Bad, Part 1 (TMF:2267) - Daniel Litton
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       We all have things we wish to achieve in life. It’s just the way we naturally work here in American society. We can be seeking to advance in our career, train our son to become the best athlete ever, find that ‘perfect’ person and get engaged, or obtain the best collection or this or that. There is nothing necessarily wrong with any of these things. The problem for us comes when we become ‘obsessed’ with the drive to obtain. Our feelings and emotions can take over, and when that happens, our life can become all about that one thing, whatever it is. The first issue with obsession is that it enslaves us. The Bible warns us against sin because sin enslaves. Well, obsession enslaves too. That is because when we magnify something and make it more important than anything else, even if we are only doing this in our minds, it means we become a slave to reaching the end result of that obsession. It means that we have to win or we aren’t going to feel good. We have to ‘get’ whatever it is to feel complete again.