Children Will Grow Up Fast, Part 3 (TMF:2319)

Peace to Live By: Children Will Grow Up Fast, Part 3 (TMF:2319) - Daniel Litton
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       It is up to us to become aware of our time, to learn to live in the moment. And I think that’s becoming harder and harder these days. It can be difficult to stop and enjoy the moment because our minds want to focus on the next thing, the next event, the next worry. All this thinking can get in the way. It can cause us to actually miss out on life. One thing the Apostle Paul told us in Scripture is to make the most of our opportunities, and make the best use of the times that God gives to us. This just isn’t for church stuff. This is for life stuff. All of life matters, especially the time spent with your children. You’ll be a grandfather or grandmother before you know it. You don’t want to look back and say, “Man, I missed it all.” Or, you don’t want to look at one of your children whom, deep down, you think could have been more successful in life if, perhaps, just perhaps, you had spent more quality time with them instead of focusing on your career so much.