Wealth Doesn’t Increase Happiness, Part 1 (TMF:2320)

Peace to Live By: Wealth Doesn’t Increase Happiness, Part 1 (TMF:2320) - Daniel Litton
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       It can often seem like the more money we could have, the happier we’d be. Right? I mean, that seems to make sense on a surface level. And certainly, it should be said that being of lower income certainly makes life harder. But I don’t believe the opposite is true. I don’t believe that being more wealthy necessarily makes life happier. At least, that’s been my experience. Generally speaking, the more wealthy we become, the more we just end up spending, which, in turn, ironically, means that we really aren’t more wealthy, are we? Nah, with increased wealth often comes increased desire. I find that if I have a good amount of money that I am generally happy. I don’t have to be incredibly wealthy to be incredibly happy. I am able to buy the things I want, and generally have some money left over, no matter how small, to go into the bank account. I know, if I think inside my head, that if I was to obtain more money that I already have things I would buy. That means that I really wouldn’t be saving more. I would just be increasing my wants. I mean, think about it.