Children Will Grow Up Fast, Part 1 (TMF:2317)

Peace to Live By: Children Will Grow Up Fast, Part 1 (TMF:2317) - Daniel Litton
(Tap or right-click link to download two-minute feature)

       Whether we have children of our own, or whether we’ve known children in our lives, we know that not before too long, they are all grown up. We see a child entering their teenage years and think, “Man, I can remember when he was three. Seems like yesterday.” Yup, yesterday came and went, and now it is today. Kids grow up fast. That means that if you have children, you are going to want to become aware of this fact. You are going to want to stop and realize that your child will only be four, five, and six one time each. They aren’t five years old for five years. Not realizing that fact can cause you to miss out on some of the most important years of your life. Children rely on their parents to mold and shape them. They rely on them to actually spend quality time with them, and do fun things with them. They need to be taught and disciplined. But if you are never around your kids, or you don’t spend enough time with them, how are they going to have a good childhood? It’s simply going to hurt their childhood if you don’t participate.