Responsibility for What We Believe, Part 1 (TMF:2309)

Peace to Live By: Responsibility for What We Believe, Part 1 (TMF:2309) - Daniel Litton
(Tap or right-click link to download two-minute feature)

       We were all raised with certain values, whether those be spiritual or lacking in that department. I think a lot of people go through life without ever taking ownership of what they believe. There are certain people that just believe what they believe because that’s what they were taught as a child. If a person was raised in a strict church setting, for instance, those beliefs can become so ingrained that the person just naturally accepts them. Or perhaps, there is great fear of breaking away from them. Regardless, a person needs to be able to say, “I believe what I believe because I really believe it.” Their beliefs need to be their own, and not just someone else’s beliefs that they are carrying on. If a person has inherited certain beliefs, that person needs to decide whether to keep them, to make them their own, or to let them go, to get rid of them. It is when responsibility isn’t taken that happiness is reduced. Really, there can’t be much happiness because what you believe isn’t what you really believe. I mean, you are saying you believe this or that ‘just because,’ or because you are afraid to give up those beliefs.