Caught Between Two Worlds, Part 2 (TMF:2286)

Peace to Live By: Caught Between Two Worlds, Part 2 (TMF:2286) - Daniel Litton
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       For them, letting other more important people make all the necessary decisions is good and comforting. They really don’t have to do anything but follow. Even though it may seem like a harder life, I think actually it is an easier life. No big decisions have to be made. Other the other hand, there are those people who just cannot follow rules that usually don’t make sense to them. Perhaps a few of them make sense, or even half of them, but then there are the many rules that don’t make sense. The ones that seem hypocritical. These people die at the lack of individuality. So, the question everyone must ask is, “Which type of person am I?” Can you be content your whole life letting others tell you what to do, tell you what the Bible really says, tell you you have to give your money, and try to point you where you should go? Or, are you the type of person that wants to decide all these facts on your own? Does it really annoy you when people are trying to tell you this and that? Has God gifted you with such a mind as to know better? Certainly, we all have to figure out where we stand because trying to live in the wrong group will only produce a miserable life.