Children Will Grow Up Fast, Part 2 (TMF:2318)

Peace to Live By: Children Will Grow Up Fast, Part 2 (TMF:2318) - Daniel Litton
(Tap or right-click link to download two-minute feature)

       They need to be taught and disciplined. But if you are never around your kids, or you don’t spend enough time with them, how are they going to have a good childhood? It’s simply going to hurt their childhood if you don’t participate. You were a kid once. If your mom or dad didn’t spend quality time with you, you’d probably admit that was a disadvantage to you, or at least, you missed them. So, in the same line of thinking, you don’t want to be sparing on the time you spend with your kids. Church plays, Christmas concerts, basketball games, golf tournaments, whatever, each of them only happens once. Your child’s fifth birthday only happens once, as does the seventh and the tenth. Christmases come and go. Life goes by quick. Time doesn’t stop for anyone. Rather, it is up to us to become aware of our time, to learn to live in the moment. And I think that’s becoming harder and harder these days. It can be difficult to stop and enjoy the moment because our minds want to focus on the next thing, the next event, the next worry.