We Will Be Misunderstood, Part 1 (TMF:2338)

Peace to Live By: We Will Be Misunderstood, Part 1 (TMF:2338) - Daniel Litton
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       When I first started preaching, some seven years ago now, I didn’t have a firm grasp on this happiness point. I thought that whatever I said, people would just naturally get it. I thought that I wouldn’t have to explain or elaborate on anything. The thing is, people have different perspectives in how they approach the same information. One person can hear one thing, and another person can see something totally different from the same thing. That’s just the way it works. We all take our background experiences and apply them to the new information that we receive. Depending on what that background is, what one has been taught, what life experiences, either good or bad, a person has had up to that point will determine how someone processes the information. In the beginning, I didn’t understand why there were some who thought I was saying something different than I really was, or than I really meant. And I started to realize that no matter how clearly and precisely I try to present something, there may be a person or two who misunderstands. It’s not their fault, and usually it’s not my fault either. It’s just the way the world works. That meant that no long explanation was going to perfectly cover everything that could be misunderstood either. And a person who wants you to be wrong can usually make you out to be wrong, but that’s a whole other topic altogether.