Is It Time for a Reboot? Part 1 (TMF:2250)

Peace to Live By: Is It Time for a Reboot? Part 1 (TMF:2250) - Daniel Litton
(Tap or right-click link to download two-minute feature)

       As the flow of life goes along, it may be noticed that one particular area is lacking. Perhaps it is your church, or perhaps it is your workplace. Something just isn’t working the same for you as it used to. It could be that you’ve personally grown in your own life, and you have left behind the people you are currently around. Perhaps your spiritual growth is at a high level, and you're finding that you're just around way too much negativity. We know if we stay in that negative environment, we’re going to be miserable. Sometimes all that can be done is a reboot, and the restarting toward new things. With our families, usually we have greater control. The husband and wife can grow with each other in spiritual things, that is, if they both believe in those things. When they do, amazing things can happen. The parents also lead their children in the right direction. That all being said, there’s only so much we can do, when we are growing, to help those at our church or workplace to grow in the same direction. We can try to have a positive influence on them, but sometimes no matter how much we shine our light, the light just bounces off of them and comes back to us.