Picking What We Want to Do, Part 2 (TMF:2315)

Peace to Live By: Picking What We Want to Do, Part 2 (TMF:2315) - Daniel Litton
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       We can be solely a career oriented person if we want to, but we have to make that choice beforehand. We cannot make that choice after we are married and have three kids. At that point, in this latter case, you cannot decide you are going to focus so much on your career that you neglect your family. If you have a family, God wants you to focus on your family. If you are spending too much time away from them, you are going to have to make a change. Making change isn’t always easy. I knew a man once that realized he need to spend more time with one of his sons. He didn’t want to neglect him. So what did he do? Well, he decided to neglect our leadership meetings instead to spend more time with his son. Was this the correct answer? Obviously not. It wasn’t necessarily wrong that he wanted to spend more time with his son, but he needed to pick one or the other. He tried to have both and what ended up happening is our leadership group suffered as a result. What he should have done was opt out of the leadership group at that point. So, people have to be careful when making change. You may have too much on your plate and need to drop a thing or two.