Not Looking for the Answers Now, Part 1 (TMF:2312)

Peace to Live By: Not Looking for the Answers Now, Part 1 (TMF:2312) - Daniel Litton
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       It is easy in the middle of a life difficultly to frantically want to find the answer to what is currently going on. For most of us, our minds in twenty first century America have been programmed to think rationally, to try to understand everything, if possible, the best we can. Nonetheless, we need to realize that typically during a difficulty in life we don’t have the answer at that time. Any answer that we try to come up with will most likely be incorrect. That’s because, to use an old saying, we can’t see the forest for the trees. We are blinded by our trial, and we don’t have clear vision on it. Only later, sometimes much later, will we be able to look back and say, “Ah, now I understand.” It is true as well that as we study things we will come up with questions inside our minds as to why this is this way and that is that way. Questions are inevitable. The temptation then invariably comes to immediately try to solve those questions. We think, “I am smart. I can figure this out.” There are some things in life, though, where it is only through waiting and perhaps even experience that we can truly understand something.