Listing Our Mistakes Helps Us, Part 2 (TMF:2280)

Peace to Live By: Listing Our Mistakes Helps Us, Part 2 (TMF:2280) - Daniel Litton
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       It’s funny how it is, that at the time we made the mistake, it seemed much bigger than it does now. Isn’t that often the case? At the time, it seemed like the world was going to end. It seemed like our life might even be over, or permanently damaged. Yet, in considering the mistake we have written down on a piece of paper, we realize quickly that at the time we overhyped it. Usually it wasn’t as bad as we made it out. Another benefit to a brief considering of past mistakes is that we can also write down what we learned from making the mistake. Hopefully we learned something beneficial, or perhaps a couple of things, that we then put into practice in our lives. Perhaps we learned not to be so reckless in our stock investments, presuming upon the future that this stock is going to keep going up and up. Maybe it was learned that skipping your child’s recital didn’t go over too well. It didn’t go over well with the child, for he was upset for several days afterward, and it didn’t go well with the wife. When we learn new things, we can put those things into practice to give us happier lives.